

게시글 검색

송영선 명예교수

  • 학위 Iowa State Univ. 이학박사
  • 학력

    -(학사) 부산대학교 식품영양학과

    -(석사) 부산대학교 식품영양학과

    -(박사) Iowa state University 식품영양학과. (미국)

교육 및 연구 경력

- 2019 -  현재 인제대학교 식품생명과학부 학부장

- 2018 – 2019 한국영양학회 감사

- 2016 - 2017 대한여성과학기술인회 부산울산경남 지부장

- 2014 – 2016 한국식품영양과학회  PNF 편집위원

- 2011 – 2013 한국영양학회 편집위원장

- 2010 – 2012 인제대학교 식품생명과학부 학과장

- 2011 – 2011 한국식품영양과학회 부회장

- 2007 – 2011 교육부 2단계 BK21 식의약생명공학사업단 단장

- 2004 – 2011 지식경제부 RIC 바이오헬스소재사업단 부소장 

- 2009 – 2010 한국식품영양과학회 국제협력위원장

- 2006 – 2009 식약청 건강기능식품 심의위원회 심의위원

- 1987 – 현재 인제대학교 식품영양학과 교수

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- 1982. 7 - 1987. 5 Fulbright Scholarship

- 1987.  5 ISU Excellent Research Award

- 2003. 11 FOSS 학술상 

- 2007.  5 교육인적자원부장관 표창

- 2008. 11 대한적십자사 총재 표창

- 2012. 11 한국식품영양과학회 (KFN) 학술상

- 2015. 11 한국영양학회  NRP 최다인용상

- 2016. 10  대한적십자사 지도유공장 (은장)

연구 관심 분야

저서 및 주요 논문

1. 임상영양사를 위한 영양치료 임상영양학 번역, 라이프사이언스, 2013

2. 중국의 기능성식품, 신일상사, 2005

3. 원리생화학,자유아카데미, 2004

4. 영양생화학 실험서,진영문화사, 2003

5. 식품영양실험핸드북, 효일, 2002

6. 혈관질환과 기능성식품의 효능에 관한 특허와 논문 100 여 건


김정인 명예교수

  • 학위 Univ. of California,Berkeley 이학박사
  • 학력

    - (학사) 서울대학교 식품영양학과

    - (석사) Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T) 식품영양학과

    - (박사) University of California, Berkeley 식품영양학과

교육 및 연구 경력

-  1989. 03 ~ 현재 인제대학교 식품생명과학부 교수

-  1996. 03 ~ 1997. 02 University of California, Berkeley 교환교수

-  2010. 01 ~ 2011. 12 Nutrition Research & Practice 편집위원

-  2012. 01 ~ 2014. 12 Journal of Medicinal Food 편집위원

-  2013. 01 ~ 2015. 12 한국식품조리과학회 편집위원

-  2015. 01 ~ 2016. 12 한국영양학회 사업이사

-  2015. 03 ~ 현재 인제대학교 일반대학원 임상영양사과정 과정책임교수 

-  2017. 01 ~ 현재 한국식품조리과학회 편집위원

-  2017. 03 ~ 현재 인제대학교 실험동물운영위원회 위원 

-  2019. 04 ~ 현재 경상남도 항노화산업육성발전심의위원회 위원

-  2019. 07 ~ 현재 김해시 학교급식지원심의위원회 위원

-  2020. 01 ~ 현재 대한영양사회 학술지편집위원

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- 2006. 대한 endourology 학회 Pharmbio학술상(해외부문) 

- 2007. 과학기술부장관 표창

- 2008. 한국영양학회 우수 논문상

- 2010. 한국연구재단 WISE 공로상

- 2010. 경상남도 교육감 표창장

- 2014. Nutr. Res. Pract. 최다 피인용상

연구 관심 분야

- 당뇨병 예방, 치료 식품 및 식품소재 규명

- 기능성 제품의 항당뇨 효과 및 체중조절 효과 검증

- 천연물 유래 비만치료 기능성제품 개발

- 간 기능 개선용 식품소재 발굴

- 아동 및 성인의 식습관 진단 및 영양교육 시스템 개발

- 한식의 기능성(대사증후군 중심) 규명

강의 분야

- 생리학

- 영양학

- 식사요법

- 단체급식

저서 및 주요 논문

- Quercetin ameliorates insulin sensitivity and liver steatosis partly by increasing adiponectin expression in ob/ob mice (Food. Sci. Biotechnol. 2015)

- Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of samnamul (shoot of Aruncus dioicus var. kamtschaticus Hara) in mice fed a high-fat/high-sucrose diet (Food. Sci. Biotechnol. 2018)

- Autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata Thunb.) berry reduces fasting and postprandial glucose levels in mice (Nutr. Res. Pract. 2019)

 외 100 여편의 특허, 연구논문 발표 

- Soy and Diabetes. 7th International Soy Symposium. 2007. Bangkok, Thailand 등 20 여건의 국제학술대회 특강

- 생물신소재공학의 이해, 라이프 사이언스, 2004, 2020 

- 한국인 영양섭취기준, 한국영양학회, 2005, 2010, 2015

- 오래 살고 싶으신가요?, 연합북스, 2012

- 이해하기 쉬운 식품과 영양, 파워북, 2016 외 15 여편의 저서 출판


김묘정 교수

  • 학위 서울대 농학박사
  • 학력

    - (학사) 서울대학교 식품공학과

    - (석사) 서울대학교 식품공학과

    - (박사) 서울대학교 식품공학과

교육 및 연구 경력

- 2019. 9. ~ 현재 인제대학교 대학교육혁신처장

- 2017. 9. ~ 2018. 8. University of Hawaii 방문교수

- 2014. 3. ~ 2016. 2. LINC사업단 부단장

- 2002. 9. ~ 현재 인제대학교 식품생명과학부 교수

- 2000. 3. ~ 2002. 8. 서울대 농업생물신소재연구센터 연수연구원

- 1997. 7. ~ 1998. 1. Iowa State University 방문연구원

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- 2020. 1. ~ 현재 한국식품과학회 영남지부 지부장

- 2013. 1. ~ 2013. 12. 한국식품영양과학회 간사

- 2012. 1. ~ 2012. 12. 한국식품영양과학회 편집위원

- 2012. 1. ~ 2012. 12. 한국식품영양과학회 수상심의위원회 위원

- 2010. 1. ~ 2011. 12. 31. 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 편집위원

- 2007. 1. ~ 2010. 12. 한국식품영양과학회 간사

- 2006. 1. ~ 2009. 12. 한국식품영양과학회 편집위원

연구 관심 분야

- 탄수화물 관련효소의 특성 규명 및 적용

- 식품 등 천연물소재로부터 유용성분의 분리 및 적용

- 단감 등 지역 특산물을 활용한 식품가공 방법 개발

- 저속압착방식으로 착즙한 주스의 특성 및 품질 평가

강의 분야

- 식품화학

- 식품분석학

- 식품효소학

- 캡스톤디자인

저서 및 주요 논문

- Jung, D. H., Seo, D. H., Park, J. H., Kim, M. J., Baek, N. I., & Park, C. S. (2019). Enzymatic synthesis of β-glucosylglycerol and its unnatural glycosides via β-glycosidase and amylosucrase. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 29(4), 562-570.

- Park, S. Y., Kang, T. M., Kim, M. J., Kim, M. J. (2018). Enzymatic browning reaction of apple juices prepared using a blender and a low-speed masticating household juicer. Biosci. biotechnol. biochem. 82(11): 2000-2006.

- Kim, M. J., Jun, J. G., Park, S. Y., Choi, M. J., Park, E., Kim, J. I., Kim, M. J. (2017). Antioxidant activities of fresh grape juices prepared using various household processing methods. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 26(4): 861-869.

- 박신영, 김민주, 박지인, 김정인, 김묘정. (2016). 저속압착방식으로 착즙한 파인애플 및 키위 주스의 저온저장 조건에 따른 단백질분해효소 및 항산화 활성. 한국식품영양과학회지, 45(9): 1316-1323.

- Kim, M. J., Kim, J. I., Kang, M. J., Kwon, B., Jun, J. G., Choi, J. H., and Kim, M. J. (2015) Quality evaluation of fresh tomato juices prepared using high-speed centrifugal and low-speed masticating household juicers. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 24(1): 61-66.

- Kim, M. J., Jung, Y. J., Lee, S. H., Lee, H., and Kim, J. C. (2014) Kinetic analysis and enzyme concentration effect relevant to dependence of amylolysis of starch granules on specific surface area concentration. Food Sci. Biotechnol. 23(2): 475-481.

- Jung, K. H., Kim, M. J., Park, S. H., Hwang, H. S., Lee, S., Shim, J. H., Kim, M. J., Kim, J. C., and Lee, H. (2013) The effect of granule surface area on hydrolysis of native starches by pullulanase. Starch 65(9-10): 848-853.

- (저서) 김묘정 외 6인. 재미있는 식품화학(개정판). 2018. 수학사.

- (저서) 김묘정 외 4인. 이해하기 쉬운 식품효소공학(개정판). 2017. 수학사.


이상현 교수

  • 학위 인제대 이학박사
  • 학력

    - (학사) 인제대학교 식품공학과

    - (석사) 인제대학교 식품생명과학과

    - (박사) 인제대학교 식의약생명공학과

교육 및 연구 경력

- 2020. 9. ~ 현재 인제대학교 식품생명과학부 조교수

- 2017. 10. ~ 2019. 8. 신라대 HACCP 교육훈련원 강사

- 2015. 8. ~ 2019. 8. 창원대학교 식품영양학과 강사

- 2012. 9. ~ 2020. 7. 인제대학교 식품생명과학부 강사

- 2012. 8. ~ 2014. 9. 인제대학교 융복합기술사업단 박사후연구원

- 2004. 6. ~ 2004. 9. Iowa State University visiting scientist

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- 2019. 12. ~ 현재. 사단법인 GAP 영남협의회 자문위원

- 2019. 12. 한국산업인력공단 표창

- 2019. 12. 김해시 식품산업 공로 표창

- 2016.04 ~ 현재. 한국산업인력공단 시험위원(실기시험)

- 2009. 2. 인제대학교 BK21식의약생명공학사업단 연구업적상

연구 관심 분야

- 식품 유통기한 연장 기술연구

- 무균화 공정기술연구

- Bio-conversion 기술연구

- 천연 생리활성물질(항암/항산화물질)의 Bioavailability 연구

- 천연 생리활성물질의 분석, 분리 및 정제

강의 분야

- 식품저장 및 포장학

- 글로벌인증개론

- 기능성식품인증

- GMP기반 식품공정원리 및 실무

저서 및 주요 논문

- Sang Hyun Lee, Dana Yeo, Jeong Hwa. HONG. Effect of dihydroferulic acid obtained from fermented rice bran extract on neuroprotection and behavioral recovery in an ischemic rat model. Food Science and Technology(Campinas), (2020.01 Accepted)

- Sang Hyun LEE, Hyesook LEE, Jae Cherl KIM, Anti-inflammatory effect of water extracts obtained from doenjang in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Food Science and Technology(Campinas), 39(4) (2019)

- MANOCHAI Benya, INGKASUPART Pajaree, Sang Hyun LEE, Jeong Hwa HONG. Evaluation of antioxidant activities, total phenolic content (TPC), and total catechin content (TCC) of 10 sugar apple (Annona squamosa L.) cultivar peels grown in Thailand. Food 

- Science and Technology(Campinas), 38(5) (2018)

Kyung-jin Jung, Hyunah Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, Jae Cherl Kim, Retrogradation of heat-gelatinized rice grain in sealed packaging: investigation of moisture relocation, Food Science and Technology(Campinas), 37(1) (2017)

- Seung Eun Baek,Ji Yeong Kim, Woo Tae Song, Sang Hyun Lee, Jeong Hwa Hong, Chae Kwan Lee, Sung Goo Kang, Neuroprotective effect of rice bran extract supplemented with ferulic acid in the rat model of ischemic brain injury, Animal Cells and Systems, 18(2) (2014)

- Sang Hyun Lee, Jae Han Hung, Hyun A Lee, Hye-Sook Lee, Hyun Do Jeong, and Jae Cherl Kim. Fractionation of Nitrogenous Compounds from Water Extracts of Doenjang and their Physiologically Activities, Food Science and Biotechnology, 23(2) (2014)

- Myo-Jeong Kim, Yu-Jung Jung, Sang Hyun Lee, Heeseob Lee, and Jae Cherl Kim, Kinetic Analysis and Enzyme Concentration Effect Relevant to Dependence of Amylolysis of Starch Granules on Specific Surface Area Concentration Food Science and Biotechnology, 23(2) (2014)


장미란 교수 홈페이지 새창열림

  • 학위 덕성여자대학교 이학박사
  • 학력

    - (학사) 덕성여자대학교 식품영양학과

    - (석사) 덕성여자대학교 건강기능신소재학과

    - (박사) 덕성여자대학교 건강기능신소재학과

교육 및 연구 경력

- 2021 - 현재 인제대학교 식품생명과학부 교수

- 2020 - 2021 부산대학교 바이오소재과학과 연구교수(BK21 4단계사업)

- 2017 - 2020 Purdue University, Department of Food Science박사후연구원(한국연구재단 학문후속세대 양성사업)

- 2016 - 2017 덕성여자대학교 식물자원연구소 연구교수

- 2012 - 2013 경인여자대학교 식품영영학과 강사

연구 관심 분야

- 건강기능식품 소재 개발

- 비만 및 당뇨 등과 같은 대사장애로 인한 퇴행성 신경 노화 매커니즘 연구

- 예쁜꼬마선충을 활용한 수명 연구

강의 분야

- 식품학

- 기능성식품학

- 식품화학

- 조리원리

- 실험조리

저서 및 주요 논문

  1. M Jang, SI Choi. Wuweizisu C isolated from Schisandra fructus inhibits adipogenesis and lipid accumulation through AMPK signaling in 3T3-L1 adipocytes (preparing)

  2. M Jang, SI Choi, GH Kim. Elsholtzia splendens Extracts and its Apigenin Inhibit Lipid Accumulation in Caenorhabditis elegans and 3T3-L1 Cells through PPARγ and C/EBPα Gene Expression (preparing)

  3. SH You, KH Kim, DY HwangGH Kim, M Jang. 2022. Chlorogenic acid of Cirsium japonicum extract prolonged Caenorhabditis elegans survival under oxidative stress by reducing ROS generation via SKN-1/Nrf2. Molecules (accepted)

  4. YJ Choi, JE Kim, SJ Lee, JE Gong, M Jang, JT Hong, DY Hwang. 2022. Loperamide-induced Constipation Activates Inflammatory Signaling Pathways in the Mid Colon of SD Rats Via Complement C3 and its Receptors. Current Mo.l Med. 22, 435-469

  5. SH You, M Jang, GH Kim. 2022. Mori Cortex radicis extract protected against diet-induced neuronal damage by suppressing the AGE-RAGE/MAPK signaling pathway in C. elegans and mouse model. J. Funct. Food.

  6. SJ Kim, SI Choi, M Jang, Y Jeong, CH Kang, GH Kim. 2021. Combination of Limosilactobacillus fermentum MG4231 and MG4244, attenuates lipid accumulation in high-fat diet-fed obese mice. Beneficial Microb.

  7. SH You*M Jang*, GH Kim. 2021. Antioxidant and lipid accumulation and NO inhibitory effects of 19 Sargassum sp. Korean J. Food Preserv.

  8. J Bai, R Farias-Pereira, M Jang, Y Zhang, SM Lee, YS Kim, Y Park, JB Ahn, GH Kim, KH Kim. 2020, Azelaic acid promotes Caenorhabditis elegans longevity at low temperature via an increase in fatty acid desaturation. Pharm. Res.

  9. M Jang, SH You, GH Kim. 2020. Evaluation of antibacterial and antioxidant activity of Sacha inchi (Plukenetia volubilis L.) leaf from Myanmar. Korean J. Food Preserv. 27(6), 781-790

  10. SJ Kim, SI Choi, M Jang, Y Jeong, CH Kang, GH Kim. 2020. Anti-adipogenic effect of Lactobacillus fermentum MG431 and MG4244 through AMPK pathway in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Food Science and Biotechnology. 29 (11), 1541-1551

  11. M Jang, E Lee, MS Chang, GH Kim. 2020. Quality characteristics of paprika packaged with functional film applied to essential oil of Artemisia princeps. Pampanini. Korean J. Food Preserv. 27(3), 281-290

  12. J Bai, R Farias‐Pereira, Y Zhang, M Jang, Y Park, KH Kim. 2020. C. elegans ACAT regulates lipolysis and its related lifespan in fasting through modulation of the genes in lipolysis and insulin/IGF‐1 signaling. BioFactors 46 (5), 754-765

  13. SH You, M Jang, GH Kim. 2020. Mori Cortex Radicis Attenuates High Fat Diet-Induced Cognitive Impairment via an IRS/Akt Signaling Pathway. Nutrients 12 (6), 1851

  14. M Jang, KH Kim, GH Kim. 2020. Antioxidant Capacity of Thistle (Cirsium japonicum) in Various Drying Methods and their Protection Effect on Neuronal PC12 Cells and Caenorhabditis elegans. Antioxidants 9 (3), 200

  15. M Jang, HY Choi, GH Kim. 2019. Phenolic components rich ethyl acetate fraction of Orostachys japonicus inhibits lipid accumulation by regulating reactive oxygen species generation in adipogenesis. Journal of Food Biochemistry, e12939

  16. Y Zhu, CY Chen, J Li, JX Cheng, M Jang, KH Kim. 2018. In vitro exploration of ACAT contributions to lipid droplet formation during adipogenesis. Journal of lipid research 59 (5), 820-829

  17. SH You, M Jang, GH Kim. 2018. Antioxidant Activity and Neuroprotective Effect of Root Bark of Morus alba L. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 47 (5), 519-527

  18. HY Choi*M Jang*, GH Kim. 2018. Inhibitory effects of Orostachys malacophyllus var. iwarenge extracts on reactive oxygen species production and lipid accumulation during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. Food Science and Biotechnology, 1-10

  19. M Jang, CH Cho, GH Kim. 2017.12. Prenylflavonoid Contents of Five Epimedii Herba and Their Antioxidant Activity in PC12 Cells. Horticultural Science and Technology 35 (6), 793-804

  20. M Jang, GH Kim. 2017. Inhibitory effect of novel thioflavone derivatives against foodborne and spoilage microbes on fresh fruit. Journal of Food Safety 37 (4), e12337

  21. M Jang, GH Kim. 2017. Glucosinolate and isothiocyanate contents according to processing of Kimchi cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis). Korean J. Food Preserv. 24 (3), 367-373

  22. M Jang, GH Kim. 2017. Change in Icariin Contents and Antioxidant activity during Ripening Period of Epimedium Wine. J. Korean Soc. Food Cult. 32(2): 144-149

  23. M Jang, SH Lee, GH Kim. 2016. Antioxidative effects of extracts from different parts of Epimedium koreanum Nakai. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 45 (2), 188-193

  24. M Jang, GH Kim. 2016. Cirsium japonicum extracts show antioxidant activity and PC12 cell protection against oxidative stress. Korean J Food Sci Tech 48 (2), 172-177

  25. M Jang, HS Chun, HR Chung, GH Kim. 2014. Actual Condition of Illegal Adulterants in Health Functional Foods in Circulation. Food Science and Industry 47

  26. M Jang, GH Kim. Antioxidant activity and HPLC analysis of lycopene, β-carotene and α-tocopherol from geuk (Momordica cochinchinesis spreng) fruit. J Int Sci Pub: Agriculture & Food 2, 430-438

  27. M Jang, HJ Park, GH Kim. Comparison of the antibacterial activity of domestic Cirsium japonicum collected from different regions. Korean J Food Cookery Sci 30 (3), 278-283

  28. KH Lee, HS Kuack, JW Jung, EJ Lee, DM Jeong, KY Kang, KI Chae, SH Yun, M Jang, SD Cho, GH Kim, JY Oh. Comparison of the quality characteristics between spring cultivars of kimchi cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) Korean J. Food Preserv. 20 (2), 182-190

  29. HL Lee, SY Yoon, SM Kim, E Hong, YS Lee, M Jang, GH Kim, JH Cheong. Comparison of the Antidepressant Activity of Cirsii herbal Extracts Collected from 5 Different Regions of Korea Determining the Optimal Herbal Preparation. YAKHAK HOEJI 56

  30. JH LEE, M Jang, J Seo, GH Kim. Antibacterial effects of natural volatile essential oil from Zanthoxylum piperitum A.P. DC. against foodborne pathogens. Journal of Food Biochemistry 36 (6), 667-674

  31. ES Hwang, M Jang, GH Kim. Effects of storage condition on the bioactive compound contents of Korean cabbage. Food Science and Biotechnology 21 (6), 1655-1661

  32. M Jang, E Hong, GH Kim. Antioxidative components and activity of domestic Cirsium japonicum extract. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr 41 (6), 739-744

  33. JH Lee, M Jang, J Seo, GH Kim. Evaluation for antibacterial effects of volatile flavors from Chrysanthemum indicum against food‐borne pathogens and food spoilage bacteria. Journal of Food Safety 31 (1), 140-148

  34. M Jang, E Hong, GH Kim. Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity of 3‐Butenyl, 4‐Pentenyl, 2‐Phenylethyl, and Benzyl Isothiocyanate in Brassica Vegetables. Journal of food science 75 (7), M412-M416

  35. M Jang, JE Seo, JH Lee, GH Kim. Antibacterial action against food-borne pathogens by the volatile flavor of essential oil from Chrysanthemum morifolium flower. The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition 23 (2), 154-161

  36. M Jang, DU Lee, GH Kim. Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract and Fraction of Sasa borealis. Korean J Food Cookery Sci 26 (6), 848-852

  37. M Jang, JE Seo, JH Lee, GH Kim. 2010. Antibacterial activities of essential oil from Zanthoxylum schinifolium against food-borne pathogens. Korean J Food Cookery Sci 26 (2), 206-213


곽정현 교수

  • 학위 연세대학교 이학박사
  • 학력

    - (학사) 성신여자대학교 식품영양학과

    - (석사) 연세대학교 노화과학협동과정 임상영양학

    - (박사) 연세대학교 노화과학협동과정 임상영양학

교육 및 연구 경력

- 2024.03 - 현재 인제대학교 식품영양.식품공학부 조교수

- 2020.01 – 2023.12 강릉원주대학교 동해안생명과학연구원 전임연구교수

- 2019.06 – 2020.12 을지대학교 식품영양학과 연구교수

- 2016.02 – 2019.04 가천대학교 의과대학 예방의학과 연구교수

- 2010.09 – 2016.01 연세대학교 노화과학연구소 박사후 연구원 

연구 관심 분야

- 암 발생 및 사망과 식이 및 영양요인간의 연관성 

- 대기오염, 만성질환 및 식이요인의 상호작용 

- 국민건강영양조사, 한국인유전체역학조사 자료 등을 활용한 질병과 영양간의 연관성 규명 

강의 분야

- 임상영양학

- 고급영양학

- 영양판정 및 실습 등 

저서 및 주요 논문

1.    Kwak JH, Eun CS, Han DS, Kim HJ. Effects of RAD50 SNP, sodium intake, and H. pylori infection on gastric cancer survival in Korea. Gastric Cancer. 2024 Mar;27(2):210-220. 

2.    Kwak JH, Kim HJ. Alleviating air pollutant-associated hypertension by potassium intake in Korean adults: a cross-sectional study from the 2012-2016 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2023 Jun;30(29):73881-73889. 

3.    Kwak JH, Kim HJ. The Association between Air Pollutants Exposure with Pre- and Hypertension by Vitamin C Intakes in Korean Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study from the 2013-2016 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination. J Nutr Health Aging. 2023;27(1):21-29. 

4.    Yoon J, García-Esquinas E, Kim J, Kwak JH, Kim H, Kim S, Kim KN, Hong YC, Choi YH. Urinary Phthalate Metabolites and Slow Walking Speed in the Korean Elderly Environmental Panel II Study. Environ Health Perspect. 2023 Apr;131(4):47005. 

5.    Kwak JH, Eun CS, Han DS, Kim YS, Song KS, Choi BY, Kim HJ. Association between soy products, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products and gastric cancer risk in Helicobacter pylori-infected subjects: a case-control study in Korea. Nutr Res Pract. 2023 Feb;17(1):122-134. 

6.    Kim HK, Kim SY, Kwak JH, Kim HJ. Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and FAS rs6586161 Polymorphism in Relation to Gastric Cancer Risk: A Case-Control Study in Korea. Nutrients. 2023;15(14):3238. 

7.    Kim SA, Kwak JH, Eun CS, Han DS, Kim YS, Song KS, Choi BY, Kim HJ. Association of Dietary Antioxidant Vitamin Intake and Gastric Cancer Risk According to Smoking Status and Histological Subtypes of Gastric Cancer: A Case-Control Study in Korea. Nutr Cancer. 2023;75(2):652-661

8.    Kwak JH, Eun CS, Han DS, Kim YS, Song KS, Choi BY, Kim HJ. Sex-dependent associations between MAP3K1 gene polymorphisms and soy products with the gastric cancer risk in Korea: a case-control study. BMC Gastroenterol. 2022;22(1):513. 

9.    Kwak JH, Park CH, Eun CS, Han DS, Kim YS, Song KS, Choi BY, Kim HJ. The Associations of Dietary Intake of High Sodium and Low Zinc with Gastric Cancer Mortality: A Prospective Cohort Study in Korea. Nutr Cancer. 2022;74(10):3501-3508.

10.    Kwak JH, Park CH, Eun CS, Han DS, Kim YS, Song KS, Choi BY, Kim HJ. Dietary zinc intake and mortality in patients with intestinal-type gastric cancer: A prospective cohort study in Korea. Front Oncol. 2022;12:947405. 

11.    Kim SY, Kwak JH, Eun CS, Han DS, Kim YS, Song KS, Choi BY, Kim HJ. Gastric Cancer Risk Was Associated with Dietary Factors Irritating the Stomach Wall: A Case-Control Study in Korea. Nutrients. 2022;14(11):2233. 

12.    Kim Y, Kwak JH, Paik JK. Association of Night Eating Habits with Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in University Students. Healthcare (Basel). 2022;10(4):640. 

13.    Kwak JH, Park CH, Eun CS, Han DS, Kim YS, Song KS, Choi BY, Kim HJ. Dietary Intake of Soy Products, Vegetables, and Dairy Products and Gastric Cancer Survival according to Histological Subtype: a Long-term Prospective Cohort Study. J Gastric Cancer. 2021;21(4):403-417. 

14.    Kwak JH, Choi YH. Sex and body mass index dependent associations between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and pulse pressure in middle-aged and older US adults. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):9989.

15.    Kwak JH, Eun CS, Han DS, Kim YS, Song KS, Choi BY, Kim HJ. Gastric Cancer and the Daily Intake of the Major Dish Groups Contributing to Sodium Intake: A Case-Control Study in Korea. Nutrients. 2021;13(4):1365.

16.    Kwak JH, Paik JK. Reply to Jakovac: “COVID-19 and vitamin D—Is there a link and anopportunity for intervention?” Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 319: E1

17.    Kwak JH, Paik JK. Vitamin D Status and Gastric Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study in Koreans. Nutrients. 2020;12(7):2004

18.    Kwak JH, Choi YH, Paik JK. Vitamin D Status, Fiber Intake, and Type 2 Diabetes in U.S. Adults. J Med Food. 2020; 23(7):711–718

19.    Kwak JH, Kim Y, Ryu S, Lee M, Lee H, Lim Y, Paik JK.Anti-inflammatory effect from extracts of red Chinese cabbage and Aronia in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. Food Sci Nutr 2020;8(4):1898-1903 

20.    Kwak JH, Hong YC, Choi YH. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and hypertension in premenopausal and postmenopausal women: National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys 2007-2010. Public Health Nutr. 2020;17:1-11

21.    Choi YH, Kwak JH. Letter by Kwak and Choi Regarding Article, "Serum Bioavailable and Free 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Levels, but Not Its Total Level, Are Associated With the Risk of Mortality in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease". Circ Res. 2019;125(10):e71-e72

22.    Kwak JH, Jo G, Chung HK, Shin MJ, Association between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and incident hypertension in Korean adults: a prospective study. 2019;58(3):1009-1017

23.    Lee MH, Kim MJ, Kim MK, Kwak JH, Chang DH, Yu WK, Lee SH, Lee JH. Consumption of dairy yogurt with the polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan from the peel of the Korean citrus hallabong enhances immune function and attenuates the inflammatory response. Food Funct. 2016;7(6):2833- 2839

24.    Jun YJ, Lee JH, Hwang SH, Kwak JH, Ahn HY, Bak YK, Koh JH, Lee JH. Beneficial effect of xylose consumption on postprandial hyperglycemia in Korean: a randomized double-blind, crossover design. Trials. 2016; 17:139

25.    Park SE, Kim OK, Kwak JH, Lee KH, Kwon YI, Chung KH, Lee JH. Antihyperglycemic effect of short-term arginyl-fructose supplementation in subjects with prediabetes and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial. Trials. 2015;16:521

26.    Jung S, Lee YJ, Kim MK, Kwak JH, Lee JW, Ahn YT, Sin JH, Lee JH. Supplementation with two probiotic strains, Lactobacillus curvatus HY7601 and Lactobacillus plantarum KY1032, reduced body adiposity and Lp-PLA2 activity in overweight subjects. Journal of Functional Foods 2015:19:744–752

27.    Kim HJ, Ahn HY, Kwak JH, Shin DY, Kwon YI, Oh CG, Lee JH. The effects of chitosan oligosaccharide (GO2KA1) supplementation on glucose control in subjects with prediabetes. Food Funct. 2014;5(10):2662-9

28.    Chae JS, Kwak JH, Kim M, Shin KH, Lee SH, Jeong TS, Lee JH. Effects of A379V variant of the Lp-PLA 2 gene on Lp-PLA 2 activity and markers of oxidative stress and endothelial function in Koreans. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2014;38(4):477-84

29.    Lee MH, Kwak JH, Jeon G, Lee JW, Seo JH, Lee HS, Lee JH. Red ginseng relieves the effects of alcohol consumption and hangover symptoms in healthy men: a randomized crossover study. Food Funct 2014;5(3):528-34

30.    Bang H, Kwak JH, Ahn HY, Shin DY, Lee JH. Korean red ginseng improves glucose control in subjects with impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Med Food 2014;17:128–134

31.     Kwak JH, Kim MJ, Lee EH, Lee SH, Ahn CW, Lee JH, Effects of black soy peptide supplementation on blood pressure and oxidative stress: a randomized controlled trial. Hypertension Research 2013; 36:1060–1066

32.    Hong SH, Kwak JH, Paik JK, Chae JS, Lee JH. Association of polymorphisms in FADS gene with age-related changes in serum phospholipid polyunsaturated fatty acids and oxidative stress markers in middle-aged nonobese men. Clin Interv Aging 2013;8:585-96

33.    Kwak JH, Kim MS, Lee JH, Yang YJ, Lee KH, Kim OY, Lee JH. Beneficial effect of tagatose consumption on postprandial hyperglycemia in Koreans: a double-blind crossover designed study. Food Funct 2013;4(8):1223-8

34.    Paik JK, Kim M, Kwak JH, Lee EK, Lee SH, Lee JH. Increased arterial stiffness in subjects with impaired fasting glucose. J Diabetes Complications 2013;27(3):224-8

35.    Kwak JH, Paik JK, Kim HI, Kim OY, Shin DY, Kim HJ, Lee JH, Lee JH. Dietary treatment with rice containing resistant starch improves markers of endothelial function with reduction of postprandial blood glucose and oxidative stress in patients with prediabetes or newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Atherosclerosis 2012;224(2):457-64

36.    Kwak JH, Baek SH, Woo Y, Han JK, Kim BG, Kim OY, Lee JH Beneficial immunostimulatory effect of short-term Chlorella supplementation: enhancement of natural killer cell activity and early inflammatory response (randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial). Nutr J 2012;11:53

37.    Kwak JH, Ahn CW, Park SH, Jung SU, Min BJ, Kim OY, Lee JH. Weight reduction effects of a black soy peptide supplement in overweight and obese subjects: double blind, randomized, controlled study. Food Funct 2012;3(10):1019-24

38.    Chae JS, Kang R, Kwak JH, Paik JK, Kim OY, Kim M, Park JW, Jeon JY, Lee JH. Supervised exercise program, BMI, and risk of type 2 diabetes in subjects with normal or impaired fasting glucose. Diabetes Care 2012;35(8):1680-5

39.    Kwak JH, Paik JK, Kim OY, Jang Y, Lee SH, Ordovas JM, Lee JH. FADS gene polymorphisms in Koreans: association with ω6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in serum phospholipids, lipid peroxides, and coronary artery disease. Atherosclerosis 2011;214(1):94-100.

40.    Yun J, Kim JY, Kim OY, Jang Y, Chae JS, Kwak JH, Lim HH, Park HY, Lee SH, Lee JH.Associations of plasma homocysteine level with brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity, LDL atherogenicity, and inflammation profile in healthy men. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 2011;21(2):136-43

41.    Kwak JH, Lee JH, Ahn CW, Park SH, Shim ST, Song YD, Han EN, Lee KH, Chae JS. Black soy peptide supplementation improves glucose control in subjects with prediabetes and newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Med Food 2010;13(6):1307-12


문갑순 명예교수

  • 전공 식품영양
  • 연구실
  • 학위 부산대 이학박사
  • 학력

    - (학사) 부산대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과

    - (석사) 부산대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과

    - (박사) 부산대학교 가정대학 식품영양학과

교육 및 연구 경력

- 오짜노미즈대학 연구교수

- 태국 까사사르대학 연구교수 

- 1980.3.1.~1986.2 동래여자전문대학 전임강사~조교수

- 1986.3.1.~2020년 현재 인제대학교 전임강사~교수

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- 2006 한국콩연구회 우계상 수상

- 2006 한국조리과학회 학술상 수상

- 2005 한국식품영양과학회 학술상 수상

연구 관심 분야

- 식품의 갈변현상(Maillard reaction, 간장)

- Phytochemicals의 기능성 연구(항산화/항노화 효과를 중심으로)

- 기능성 식품개발

- 김치 레시피개발

- Glycoxidation과 Peroxidation

- 식품성분분석 

강의 분야

- 조리 및 실습

- 식품의 역사

저서 및 주요 논문

- 콩 내몸을 살린다. 문갑순 외 3인, (주)한언출판사, 2009

- 나의 사가독서, 프리뷰, 2015

- 사피엔스의 식탁, 21세기북스, 2018

- 한국콩연구회35년사, 문갑순,송희섭 공편저, 2019

- Tachioside, an antioxidant phenolic glycoside from bamboo species, 2008.12

- Antioxidative and Lipofuscin-Formation Inhibitory effects of Soybean and Chungkukjang, 2009.3

- Photoprotective Effect of Lotus(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) Seed Tea against UVB Irradiation, 2015.9


홍정화 명예교수

  • 전공 식품공학
  • 연구실
  • 학위 Texas A&M Univ. 공학박사

김재철 명예교수

  • 전공 식품공학
  • 연구실
  • 학위 Univ.of Wisconsin, Madison. 이학박사