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    경상대학교 생화학과 이학박사

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    성산관(F동) 516호

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- (학사)경상대학교 수의과대학 수의학과 (수의학사, 수의사)

- (석사)경상대학교 대학원 수의학과 (수의학석사, 생리학)

- (박사)경상대학교 대학원 생화학과 (이학박사, 세포분자생물학)

교육 및 연구경력

- (2004-현재) 인제대학교 물리치료학과 교수

- (2001-2002) University of Iowa, 심장내과 (Post-doctoral fellow) 

- (2002-2004) UT-Southwestern Medical Center, 심장내과 (Post-doctoral fellow)

- (2011-2013) Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 병리학 (Research Associate) 

- (2019-2020) Harvard Medical School, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 종양내과 (Visiting Research Scholar) 

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- (2019-현재) (사)대한라이프스타일의학회(KSLM) 학술위원장, 이사

- (2018-2020) (사)한국생명과학회(KSLS) 기금위원장, 평의원

- (2015-2019) (사)대한라이프스타일의학회(KSLM) 총무위원장, 이사

- (2004-현재) 한국 생화학분자생물학회(KSBMB) 정회원

- (2004-현재) 한국동물번식학회(KSAR) 평의원

- (2004-현재) 미국 생화학분자생물학회(ASBMB) 정회원

- (2004-현재) 미국 생리학회(APS) 정회원

- (2004-현재) 미국 신경학회(SfN) 정회원

연구 관심 분야

- 생체시계(biological clock) 기반 퇴행성 신경질환 발생기전 및 치료법 연구

- 골관절염 동물모델 기반 멜라토닌과 그 유도체들의 anti-catabolic 효과 연구 및 치료제 개발

- MCAo 동물모델 기반 뇌졸중 발생기전 연구 및 이에 대한 항뇌졸중 치료제 개발

- 생활습관병 발생 빈도 연구 및 이에 대한 인공지능(AI)을 이용한 메타분석

강의 분야

- 인체해부학, 생리학, 고급인체생리학 및 실습

- 신경해부학, 조직병리학 및 실습

- 연구·생명윤리 및 연구설계방법론(대학원공통)

저서 및 주요 논문

국외논문(최근 10년 주요 논문)

SCI selected

31. Sumsuzzman D. Md, Choi J, Khan ZA, Hong Y. Protective Effects of Melatonin against Severe Burn-Induced Distant Organ Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies. Antioxidants. 2020(Nov), 8(9):1415. [IF. 5.043]

31. Hossain F. Md, Hong Y, Jin Y, Choi J, Hong Y. Physiological and pathological role of circadian hormones in osteoarthritis: Dose-dependent or time-dependent? J Clin Med. 2019(Sept), 8(9):1415. [IF. 5.688]

30. Sumsuzzman D. Md, Jin Y, Choi J, Tae Ho Lee, Hong Y. Pathophysiological role of endogenous irisin against tumorigenesis and metastasis: Is it a potential biomarker and therapeutic? Tumor Biol. 2019(Dec), 41(12):1-9. [IF. 3.650]

29. Jin Y, Choi J, Kim J, Hong Y. Pathogenetical and neurophysiological features of patients with autism spectrum disorder: Phenomena and diagnoses. J Clin Med. 2019(Dec), 8(10):1588. [IF. 5.688]

28. Hong Y, Lee S, Jin Y, Choi J, Won J, Cho Y, Hong Y. Conditional controlled light/dark cycle influences exercise-induced benefits in a rat model with osteoarthritis: in vitro and in vivo study. J Clin Med. 2019(Dec), 8(11):1855. [IF. 5.688]

27. Hong Y, Jin Y, Park K, Choi J, Kang H, Lee SR, Hong Y. Elevated Serum Melatonin under Constant Darkness Enhances Neural Repair in Spinal Cord Injury through Regulation of Circadian Clock Proteins Expression. J Clin Med. 2019(Jan), 8(2):135-154. [IF. 5.688]

26. Jin Y, Sumsuzzman D. Md, Choi J, Kang Y, Lee S-R, Hong Y. Molecular and functional interaction of the myokine irisin with physical exercise and Alzheimer's disease. Molecules. 2018(Dec), 23(12):E3229. [IF 3.060]

25. Choi J, Lee S, Won J, Jin Y, Hong Y, Hur T-Y, Kim J-H, Lee S-R, Hong Y. Pathophysiological and neurobehavioral characteristics of a propionic acid-mediated autism-like rat model. PLoS ONE. 2018(Feb), 13(2):e0192925. [IF. 2.766]

24. Jin Y, Choi J, Won J, Hong Y. The relationship between autism spectrum disorders and melatonin during fetal development. Molecules. 2018(Jan), 23(1):E198. [IF 3.060]

23. Hong Y, Kim H, Lee S, Jin Y, Choi J, Lee S-R, Chang K-T, Hong Y. Role of melatonin combined with exercise as a switch-like regulator for circadian behavior in advanced osteoarthritic knee. Oncotarget. 2017(Jul), 8(57):97633-97647. [IF 5.168]

22. Jin Y, Hong Y, Park CY, Hong Y. Molecular Interactions of Autophagy with the Immune System and Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2017(Aug), 3;18(8). 1694. [IF 4.183]

21. Won J, Jin Y, Choi J, Park S, Lee TH, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Melatonin as a Novel Interventional Candidate for Fragile X Syndrome with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Humans. Int J Mol Sci. 2017(Jun), 20;18(6). 1314. [IF 4.183]

20. [Guide Book] Hong Y et al. Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rd edition). Autophagy. 2016 (Jan), 12(1):1-222. [IF 11.059]

19. Kim BM, Hong Y, Lee S, Lee YH, Lee TH, Chang KT, Hong Y. Therapeutic Implications for Overcoming Radiation Resistance in Cancer Therapy. Int J Mol Sci. 2015(Nov), 16(11):26880-26913. [IF 4.183]

18. Lee S, Park S, Won J, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. The Incremental Induction of Neuroprotective Properties by Multiple Therapeutic Strategies for Primary and Secondary Neural Injury. Int J Mol Sci. 2015(Oct), 16(8):19657-19670. [IF 4.183]

17. Yeo HG, Lee Y, Jeon CY, Jeong KJ, Jin YB, Kang P, Kim SU, Kim JS, Huh JW, Kim YH, Sim BW, Song BS, Park YH, Hong Y, Lee SR, Chang KT. Characterization of Cerebral Damage in a Monkey Model of Alzheimer's Disease Induced by Intracerebroventricular Injection of Streptozotocin. J Alzheimer's Dis. 2015(Oct), 46(4):989-1005. [IF 3.517]

16. Lee S, Hong Y, Park S, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Comparison of Surgical Methods of Transient Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats and Mice. J Vet Med Sci. 2014(Sept), 76(12):1555-1561. [IF 0.910]

15. Hong Y, Kim H, Lee Y, Lee S, Kim K, Jin Y, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Salutary effects of melatonin combined with treadmill exercise on cartilage damage. J Pineal Res. 2014(Oct), 57(1):53-66. [IF 15.221]

14. Kim BM, You M-H, Chen C-H, Lee S, Hong Y, Hong Y, Kimchi A, Zhou XZ, Lee TH. Death-associated protein kinase 1 has a critical role in aberrant tau protein regulation and function. Cell Death & Dis. 2014(July), 5(e1237):1-12. [IF 5.959]

13. Lee S, Lee M, Hong Y, Won J, Lee Y, Kang SG, Chang KT, Hong Y. Comparison of middle cerebral artery occlusion methods in rat and mouse transient focal cerebral ischemic stroke models. Neural Regen Res. 2014(April), 9(7):757-758. [IF 2.472]

12. Lee Y, Kim YH, Park SJ, Heo JW, Kim SH, Kim SW, Kim JS, Jeong KJ, Lee KM, Hong Y, Lee SR, Chang KT. Insulin/IGF Signaling-Related Gene Expression in the Brain of a Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease Monkey Model Induced by Intracerebroventricular Injection of Streptozotocin. J Alzheimer's Dis. 2014(April), 38(2):251-267. [IF 3.517]

11. Hong Y, Won J, Lee Y, Lee S, Park K, Chang KT, Hong Y. Melatonin treatment induces interplay of apoptosis, autophagy, and senescence in human colorectal cancer cells. J Pineal Res. 2014(April), 56(3):264-274. [IF 15.221]

10. Hong Y, Kim JH, Lee S, Lee Y, Park K, Jin Y, Chang K, Hong Y. Melatonin treatment combined with treadmill exercise accelerates muscular adaptation through early inhibition of CHOP-mediated autophagy in the gastrocnemius of rats with intraarticular collagenase-induced knee laxity. J Pineal Res. 2014(Mar), 56(2):175-188. [IF 15.221]

9. Lee Y, Lee S, Lee SR, Park K, Hong Y, Lee M, Park S, Jin Y, Chang KT, Hong Y. Beneficial effects of melatonin combined with exercise on endogenous neural/progenitir cells proliferation after spinal cord injury. Int J Mol Sci, 2014(Feb), 15(2):2207-2222. [IF 4.183]

8. Park S, Shin J, Hong Y, Kim S, Lee S, Park K, Tserentogtokh LKH, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Forced exercise enhances functional recovery after focal cerebral ischemia in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Brain Sci. 2012(Dec), 2(4):483-503. [IF 2.786]

7. Park S, Lee Y, Lee S, Hong Y, Hong Y. Comparison of hallux valgus angle deformity in basketball players and age-mached controls. Int J Sport & Health Sci. 2012(Oct), 10:50-57.

6. Lee S, Shin J, Lee M, Hong Y, Lee SK, Lee Y, Tserentogtokh LKH, Kim DW, Yang YA, Chang KT, Hong Y. Melatonin combined with exercise cannot alleviate cerebral injury in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury. Neural Regen Res. 2012(Mar), 7(13):993-999. [IF 2.472]

5. Park S, Lee SK, Park K., Lee Y, Hong Y, Lee S, Jeon JC, Kim JH, Hong Y. Beneficial effects of melatonin combined with exercise on endogenous neural stem/progenitor cells regeneration after spinal cord injury. J Pineal Res. 2012(Jan), 52(1):107-119. [IF 15.221]

4. Ekyune Kim, Youngjeon Lee, Ji Su Kim, Bong-Seok Song, Jae-Won Huh, Sang-Rae Lee, Sun-Uk Kim, Sang-Hyun Kim, Yonggeun Hong, Kyu-Tae Chang. Extracellular domain of V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 1 (VSIG1) interacts with Sertoli cell membrane protein, while its PDZ-binding motif forms a complex with ZO-1. Molecules & Cells. 2010(Nov), 30:443-448. [IF 3.533]

3. Ekyune Kim, Youngjeon Lee, Hyun-Ju Lee, Ji Su Kim, Bong-Seok Song, Jae-Won Huh,Sang-Rae Lee, Sun-Uk Kim, Sang-Hyun Kim, Yonggeun Hong, Insop Shim, Kyu-Tae Chang. Implication of mouse Vps26b-Vps29-Vps35 retromer complex in sortilin trafficking. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2010(Nov), 403:167-171. [IF 2.705]

2. Hong Y, Palaksha KJ, Park K, Park S, Kim HD, Reiter RJ, Chang KT, Hong Y. Melatonin plus exercise-based neurorehabilitative therapy for spinal cord injury. J Pineal Res. 2010(Aug), 49(3):201-209. [IF 15.221]

1. Park K, Lee Y, Park S, Lee S, Lee SK, Hong Y. Synergistic effect of melatonin on exercise-induced neuronal reconstruction and functional recovery in a spinal cord injury animal model. J Pineal Res. 2010(April), 48(3):270-281. [IF 15.221]

국내논문(최근 10년 주요 논문)

Domestic selected

24. Choi J, Hong Y. The Comprehension of Composition, Diversity, Related Diseases, and Treatment of the Gut Microbiome in Companion Dogs: Friend or Foe? J Life Sci. 2020(Nov), 30(11):1021-1032.

23. Khan ZA, Hong Y, Choi J, Lee Y, Jin Y, Hong Y. Melatonin: A Potent Therapeutic Candidate in Degenerative Neural Damages. Chronobiol Med. 2020(Jun), 2(3):85-95.

22. Choi J, Jin Y, Kim JH, Hong Y. Does the Gut Microbiota Regulate a Cognitive Function? J Life Sci. 2019(Jun), 29(6):747-753. 

21. Cha S, Park S, Choi J, Park JH, Jin Y, Hong Y. Comparative systematic review of Korea domestic and international studies on sensory integration therapy in patients with autism spectrum disorder. Int J Cont. 2019(Sept), 15(3):13-20.

20. Park S, Park K, Hong Y. Anti-cancer effects of cultivated Orostachys japonicus on human colon cancer cells. J Life Sci. 2018(Mar), 28(7):1-8.

19. Won J, Hong Y, Kim J-H, Hong Y. Toll-like receptor 4-mediated apoptotic cell death in primary isolated human cervical cancers. J Life Sci. 2018(Mar), 28(6):718-725.

18. Choi J, Hur T-Y, Hong Y. Influence of altered gut microbiota composition on aging and aging-related diseases. J Lifestyle Med. 2018(Jan), 8(1):1-7.

17. Jin Y, Hur TY, Hong Y. Circadian Rhythm Disruption and Subsequent Neurological Disorders in Night-Shift Workers. J Lifestyle Med. 2017(Jul), 7(2):45-50.

16. Park S, Park J, Park K, Kim J-H, Hong Y. Effects of sleep on balance control and reaction time to visual stimulation. Sleep medicine and psychophysiology. 2016(Dec), 23(2):68-76.

15. Lee M, Won J, Lee S, Hong Y, Kim JH, Hong Y. Benefits of Physical Exercise for Individuals with Fragile X Syndrome in Humans. J Lifestyle Med. 2015(Sept), 5(2):35-38.

14. Park S, Park K, Lee Y, Chang KT, Hong Y. New Prophylactic and Therapeutic Strategies for Spinal Cord Injury. J Lifestyle Med. 2013(Mar), 3(1):34-40.

13. Lee Y, Kim JH, Hong Y, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Prophylactic effects of swimming exercise on autophagy-induced muscle atrophy in diabetic rats. Lab Animal Res. 2012(Sept), 28(3):171-179.

12. Lee Y, Hong Y, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Autophagy contributes to retardation of cardiac growth in diabetic rats. Lab Animal Res. 2012(June), 28(2):99-107.

11. Lee S, Shin J, Hong Y, Lee M, Kim K, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Beneficial effects of melatonin on stroke-induced muscle atrophy in focal cerebral ischemic rats. Lab Animal Res. 2012(Mar), 28(1):47-54. 

10. Park S, Hong Y, Lee Y, Won J, Chang KT, Hong Y. Differential expression of caveolins and myosine heavy chains in response to forced exercise in rats. Lab Animal Res. 2012(Mar), 28(1):1-9.

9. Hong Y, Kim S, Kim K, Park K, Park S, Lee SK, Hong Y. Macelignan induces cardiac toxicity in vivo and in vitro. Reprod & Dev Biol. 2011(Oct), 

8. Hong Y, Kim S, Lee S, Kang JS, Hong Y. Sodium metaarsenite (KML001) induces G1 phase arrest in HCT116 colorectal cancer cells. Yakhak Hoeji. 2011(Oct), 55(5):391-397.

7. Lee S, Shin J, Lee M, Lee SK, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Effects of melatonin on improvement of neurological function in focal cerebral ischemic rats. Reprod & Dev Biol. 2011(June), 35(2):167-174.

6. Hong Y, Song JW, Lee SK, Lee Y, Rho GJ, Kim JH, Hong Y. Inhibition of histone deacetylase activity diminishes pressure overloaded cardiac hypertrophy in mice. Reprod & Dev Biol. 2011(June), 35(2):159-165. 

5. Hong Y, Kim JH, Palaksha KJ, Lee SK, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Rheumatic arthritis-induced alteration of morphology and function in muscles. Reprod & Dev Biol. 2011(June), 35(2):151-157.

4. Hong Y, Palaksha KJ, Lee K, Lee SR, Chang KT, Hong Y. Morphological Changes of Bones and Joints with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis. Reprod & Dev Biol. 2011(June), 35(2):143-149.

3. Lee Y, Hong Y, Lee S, Park S, Hong Y. Effect of controlled photoperiod on body development in growing juvenile rats. Reprod & Dev Biol. 2010(June), 34(2):89-94.

2. Hong Y, Kim K, Hong Y. Effect of Streptozotocine-induced diabetes on bone and heart development in juvenile rats. Reprod & Dev Biol. 2010(June), 34(2):81-88.

1. Lee SK, Song IS, Park S, Hong Y, Kang JB. Changes in serum cortisol concentration due to boarding stress in dogs. J Vet Clinics. 2010(Feb), 27(1):427-433.

국내·외 저서(최근 10년 주요 저서)

Domestic and international selected

7. Hong Y et al., Diagnosis and treatment of spinal cord injury: Exploring the molecular insight to therapeutic promise of melatonin in spinal cord injury. Elsevier Inc. 2020. (저서) 

6. Hong Y. Kim J-H. 생리학 학습서 (주)라이프사이언스, 2019. (저서)

5. Hong Y et al., 머크매뉴얼 제20판, 도서출판 신일북스, 2019. (번역서)

4. Hong Y et al., 신경과학 제4판, 수문사, 2017. (번역서)

3. Hong Y et al., FITZGERALD'S 임상신경해부학 및 신경과학, 범문에듀케이션, 2017. (번역서)

2. Hong Y et al., 생리학 제5판, 정담미디어, 2017. (저서)

1. Hong Y. 인체생리학 제12판, 정담미디어, 2016. (번역서)