

곽영범 프로필 사진
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    곽영범 교수

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    한양대학교 약학박사

  • 연구실

    PRIME의생명공학관(J동) 412호

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- 한양대학교 약학대학 약학과

교육 및 연구경력

- 한국가스공사 자원개발연구센터 인턴 연구원

- 한국마사회 도핑검사소 과장

- Visiting Researcher, Australia Forensic Racing Laboratory (AFRL), Sydney, Australia

- Adjunct Instructor (Pharmaceutical analysis), Department of Pharmacy, Jeju University

- Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Inje University

기타 및 학술관련 경력

- 대한약학회 종신회원 (The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea)

- 한국분석과학회 회원 (The Korean Society of Analytical Sciences member)

- 한국질량분석학회 종신회원 (Korean Society for Mass Spectrometry member)

- Member of Association of Official Racing Chemist (AORC), USA

연구 관심 분야

- Pharmaceutical & Clinical Analysis

- Forensic Analysis (Doping Control)

- Natural Product Analysis

- Metabolomics

- Molecular Networking based Mass Spectrometry

- Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion (ADME)

- Pharmacokinetics

- Drug-Drug Interaction

강의 분야

- 의약품분석학

- 기기분석학

- 첨단바이오분석학

- 기기분석실험

- 약품분석품질관리

저서 및 주요 논문

Under review

1. A Versatile Toolkit for Drug Metabolism Studies with GNPS2: from Drug Development to Clinical Monitoring, Nature Protocols, 2024 (Coauthor)

2. Exploring the Impact of Red Ginseng on Equine Physiology Using Metabolomics, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2024 (First author)

3. Insights into metabolomic profiling and immune modulation of ethyl pyruvate in equine plasma, Scientific Reports, 2024 (First author)


1. Jeong In Seo, Young Beom Kwak, Seong Eun Cho, Hye Hyun Yoo*, “An in silico-guided Approach for Assessing Herb-Drug Interaction Potential: A Case Study with Cudrania tricuspidata leaf Extracts”, Planta Medica, 2024.

2. Young Beom Kwak†, Jungho Yoon†, Jundong Yu*, Hye Hyun Yoo*, “Intravenous Pharmacokinetic Study of Detomidine and Its Metabolites in Equines for Misuse Prevention in Doping Control”, Drug Targets and Therapeutics, 2024.

3. Young Beom Kwak, Jungho Yoon, Hye Hyun Yoo*, “Rapid investigating of phase I metabolites of SR9009 in vitro horse liver microsomes via feature-based molecular networking approach: Potential applications in doping control”, J Pharm Biomed Anal, 2024 246, 116190

4. Jungho Yoon, Ahram Kim, Jongyoung Park, Young Beom Kwak, In-Soo Choi, Taemook Park* “Secondary Small Intestinal Obstruction Associated with an Omental Adhesion after End-to-end Jejuno-ileal Anastomosis in a Thoroughbred Horse”, Slovenian Veterinary Research, 2024

5. Young Beom Kwak, Hye Hyun Yoo and Jungho Yoon* “The Impact of the Administration of Red Ginseng (Panax ginseng) on Lipid Metabolism and Free Fatty Acid Profiles in Healthy Horses Using a Molecular Networking Approach”, Front Vet Sci, Frontiers, 2024

6. Dong-Ha Lee, Kyungmin Jang, Taemook Park, Youngjong Kim, Kyoung Hwan Kim, Eun-bee Lee, Young Beom Kwak, Eun-Ju Ko “Evaluation of concurrent immunizations with equine influenza virus and strangles vaccines”, Korean Journal of Veterinary Service, 2023

7. Young Beom Kwak†, Jeong In Seo†, Hye Hyun Yoo*, “Exploring Metabolic Pathways of Anamorelin, a Selective Agonist of the Growth Hormone Secretagogue Receptor, via Molecular Networking”, Pharmaceutics, 2023, 15(12), 2700

8. Young Beom Kwak, Eunkyu Lee, Hyunjoo Choi, Taemook Park, Ahram Kim, Jungon Kim, Jungho Yoon*, Hye Hyun Yoo*, “A Pharmacokinetic Study on Red Ginseng with Furosemide in Equine”, Front Vet Sci, 2023, 10.

9. Young Beom Kwak*, Min Sun Choi “Identification of a metabolite for the detection of the hydrophilic drug diisopropylamine for doping control”, J Pharm Biomed Anal, 2023 234(20);115576.

10. Young Beom Kwak, Shaheed Ur Rehman, Hye Hyun Yoo* “Quantification of three prohibited anabolic-androgenic steroids in equine urine using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry”, Mass Spec Letters, 2023 13(4).

11. Young Beom Kwak, Jundong Yu* and Hye Hyun Yoo* “Simultaneous liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometric determination of 35 prohibited substances in equine plasma for doping control”, Mass Spec Letters, 2023 13(4).

12. Young Beom Kwak, Jundong Yu* and Hye Hyun Yoo* “A quantitative method for the simultaneous detection of SR9009 and SR9011 in equine plasma using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry”, Drug Test Anal, 2022 14(8):1532-1538.

13. Young Beom Kwak, Eo Jin Im, Bok Son Jeong, Jundong Yu* and Hye Hyun Yoo* “Study of cobalt doping control via various routes in thoroughbred horses”, Drug Test Anal, 2022 14(4):718-723.